Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Quiet Connect

Life is busy and by the by things pass in the manner we expect- with great difficulty and endless nuisance. Health-care is frontline, the environment hangs in the backdrop- sword of inertia drooping ominously above. The Financial sector is also going through an expected regulatory overhaul. The wars continue/the insurgents do their thing, an unfortunate fact for Pakistan and the world. Domestically, Swine Flu threatens to disrupt dinner. Unemployment rises, elections pass and new ones start, some companies post profits- and some don't. All is good in the end?

When you have nothing worthwhile to say, it may be best to stay a quiet connect.
"Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun"
Ecclesiastes 11:7

Manly P Hall: The Twenty-First Century