Friday, August 8, 2008

Emergence of the Lost Word

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

From the primordial energy extant before the Big Bang, we can imagine an emergent system, within which Deity is the primal unit that is giving impulse through the Word or Bang. The interactions of energy, which is neither created nor destroyed, but may be communicated, form extropic patterns. The tendency of a system is to create order from, apparent, chaos.

The dynamics within a system impose on its constitutive elements a process of rising efficiency in the communication of information. Thus solutions appear, ironically, in an entropic fashion. Of course, we may easily get lost in an epistemological discussion regarding our capacity to understand extremely complex systems, implicitly rendering the concepts of order and disorder unusable. It appears, prima facie, that unstable systems tend toward stabilization and stable systems tend toward destabilization. In this light we can observe solar systems and empires as being analogous with the human body and fundamental chemical bonds.

Human activity is characterized by continual striving toward streamlining the transmission of information. From oral tradition to the written word and the lightning fast access of online journal databases. To the improvement in electric transmission, from copper to silicon. Of resource management, from the hunter/gatherer social groups to capitalism's emphasis on profit margin which is essentially a base measure of transaction efficiency.The underlying goal is to transmit energy, or information, in loss less format through the fastest channel. That would be materialized order, if you will- a type of teleportation. However, even with teleportation, while we may 'print' the photon's data into another space, the original photon is lost- destabilized and transformed.

So, can we ever reach a perfect point of communication?
Can a parent teach the child to avoid all the errors of our ancestors?
Much like how a child is not an androgynous clone of its parents, but instead is a complex system with inherited genetic elements as well as proper unique emergent incongruities and mutations, communication is ipso facto incomplete. The very imperfection in the transmission of the Word, absorbed and altered by the matter through which it passes, allows for adaptation. Entropy and extropy are mutually dependent dynamics, as symbiotic as any other contrast.

Thus, while we must strive for the betterment of our world, we must not lose sight of the fact that progress is made possible by the obstacles opposed to it. We should embrace these as givers of strength. The dialectic processes observed on the micro and macro levels are the fundamental impulses that allow innovation. The entropy of the sub-system gives birth to order in the whole...

"Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun"
Ecclesiastes 11:7

Manly P Hall: The Twenty-First Century